
时间:2023-03-13 20:28来源:太阳能光热联盟
At the SolarPaces Conference 2022 in Albuquerque, a group of women working with Concentrated Solar technologies formed a group aiming to support, bring visibility and increase the participation of underrepresented genders in this sector in a way that includes diverse backgrounds, attitudes, and perspectives. The group has created a SolarPACES-affiliated website: https://women.solarpaces.org and database of CSP experts where anyone can find a suitable CSP expert to bring more diversity for a conference, webinar or project.
Only a week after the group was announced on LinkedIn, more than 100 members joined and supported the initiative. Women in the group are diverse, from more than 15 countries, working in various fields of study and at different career levels. The area of CSP is a game-changing renewable technology with many opportunities for talented researchers with a STEM background.
The first meeting at SolarPACES 2022 conference in Albuquerque, NM
The next networking event will happen on March 15 @ 12 PM CET, which we organize especially for Asia, Oceania, Africa and Europe time zones. If you missed your chance on the 9th, you can still connect on the 15th to get to know more experts from Asia, Oceania, Europe, and Africa.
You can register here: https://women.solarpaces.org/virtual-network-connect-events-march-2023/
Rebecca Mitchell works at NREL on algorithms to determine error of heliostats and she’s also creating a database on CSP education related materials. During the first networking event on March 9, 2023, she met with many CSP experts, who could provide her materials for her database. Also, Dr. Natalie Hanrieder from DLR works with meteorological data and kindly offered to share the collected data on DNI with other participants who do the simulation and modeling.
the first networking event on March 9, 2023
These are just a few examples of successful matchmaking during this networking event, where 22 members of the CSP community got to know each other and had a chance to talk about their work and interests. This networking event is a great opportunity to establish an international collaboration, learn more about the current work of colleagues and find useful connections. You can join this database at the following address: https://women.solarpaces.org/members

